Data & Strategy


Support for allowing MDMA treatment of PTSD far outnumbers opposition.

february 2024 | data

One of the most promising recent advances in mental health science is the use of MDMA to treat PTSD. However, public support or opposition can influence regulatory progress and general cultural perceptions. Here, we report findings from The XandY Poll on how much people support or oppose the idea of allowing MDMA to be used for treating PTSD.

Who is trusted (and who is not) for information about psychedelics?

January 2024 | Data

Because many people are still undecided on the topic of psychedelics, the new information they hear — and who they hear it from — will be very influential. Here, we report findings from The XandY Poll on how much people trust or distrust various information sources on psychedelics.

How should AI tools be used? Americans support some uses but not others.

December 2023 | Data

Recent advances in AI technology have produced a cornucopia of new abilities and use cases. While some uses are supported by most people, there are other uses that many people oppose. Here we summarize our recent findings from The XandY Poll that show which uses of AI tools are supported or opposed.

Three overlooked factors in communication strategy.

November 2023 | Strategy

In our research and consulting, we have consistently found that organizations tend to overlook three important factors when creating and evaluating their communication strategies: the Reach x Effect Tradeoff, the Immediate Effects Bias, and the Zero Resistance Fallacy. Here, we explain these three common dilemmas and pitfalls in communication strategy–while also highlighting solutions.

The 3 problems in climate communication and how to fix them.

October 2023 | Strategy

Despite good intentions, most people and organizations stumble into three counterproductive patterns when trying to communicate about climate change. We call these (1) Polar Bears, (2) Politics, and (3) Apocalypse. Here, we summarize the scientific research that shows why these typical patterns are so harmful. We also show how the data points to more effective strategies that are easily available.

How Americans think about renewable energy and why it matters for the energy transition.

September 2023 | data

The success of the energy transition depends on consumer demand and political support. But Americans’ opinions are quickly growing more divided and complex. Here, we explain the key takeaways from the most rigrorous scientific research on (1) how Americans think about renewables, (2) why they think that way and what influences them, and (3) how these things are changing over time.

How long does persuasion last?

August 2023 | data

When your audience is persuaded by your content (ads, sales pitch, etc.), how long does that persuasion last? Does it fade immediately or does it stick around for a long time? Here we summarize our series of scientific studies which test the durability of persuasion. We summarize which types of persuasive messages have effects that truly last over time, and which types of people are most likely to experience long-lasting change in their opinions and behaviors.

Durability: The missing piece in communication campaigns.

August 2023 | strategy

When strategists are developing persuasive communications, they often test them ahead of time (in RCTs, focus groups) to see how persuasive they really are. But one aspect is almost always overlooked: the durability of the effect. Will the positive sentiment stick or fade? Will increased purchase intentions remain long enough to translate to sales? Will people initially plan to vote for your candidate but then be easily swayed? We summarize the reasons why durability is a crucial component to optimize for when designing communication campaigns.

The most effective ways to persuade people to act sustainably.

July 2023 | strategy

We recently published one of the most world’s most comprehensive scientific studies on how to persuade people to make more sustainable decisions. Here you can read a summary of which strategies work best, which behaviors are most moveable, and how we can make strategic trade-offs when considering all moving pieces.